Time Space And Drums Part 4

Time Space And Drums Part 4



Getting Balanced.

 As before this development course is to allow the student to become more aquainted with the Jazz Style Rhythms we covered in part two of the course. Allowing you to play more loosly and opening you up to playing the bass drum and left hand in other places within a beat aside from 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectfully.

This again is not so much about developing but about becoming more intimately aquainted with the various Jazz Styles we covered earlier.

This give the student room to think in mnew and more creative ways and opens up new avenues of creativity within the basic fundamental beats.This part covers the following coordination exercises.


  • Snare Drum Development Exercises Using 12/8 Triplets
  • Bass Drum Development Exercises Using 12/8 Triplets
  • Bass Drum & Snare Drum Mixed Combination Exercises.
  • 1/16th Note Bass Drum & Snare Drum Exercises.
  • 1/16th Note Variations Number 1
  • 1/16th Note Variations Number 2


 At this point in the process of learning to play the drums it is important to take a step back and think more in the way of " Is My Playing Balanced". What we mean by that is that you feel balanced whilst playing the rhythms and don't perform any unnecessary rocking or swaying movements - but instead play from a centred focal point within your body. This will become more obvious as you advance but this fundamental is a vital part of drumming. The underlying lesson within parts 1-4 covered so far is BALANCE.


16 May 2017


Coordination, Drumming Theory, Jazz Drumming, Music Theory

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