
Time Space And Drums - SPACE TO PLAY

  • Released: 2017-05-16 11:27:07
  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration:
  • Price: $ 27 (Free for students of Time Space And Drums - Complete 12 Part Course)
  • Lesson Release: One lesson per week

Must complete all lessons

This course is FREE for students of the following courses:
Time Space And Drums - Complete 12 Part Course
Are you a student of any of these courses?
Not a student?

Table of Contents



The Time Space and Drums Minus Drums Foundation Course includes six straight-ahead rock style drumming lessons, designed to take the complete beginner to intermediate drummer through the process of mapping out drum charts as well as playing along to sequencers, tunes or a particular song; it then guides the student through the process of creating their own drum charts and developing them over time.

As well as learning how to play along to music and sequencers this course of drumming lessons includes six sequencer projects for the student to learn from, so he/she will emerge with an ability to create their own drum charts which further enhances their music theory skills and knowledge base.

Although these techniques are not practical drum development exercises they are vital in order for the drummer to learn songs quickly if there are no drum charts provided for him/her. The beginning drummer can build on their drum chart writing abilities after developing these fundamental drum chart creation skills.

These lessons are designed to Learn the Art of Creating Drum Charts and are not the traditional minus drummer lessons.


About The 12 Part Series

The time space is a 12 part drumming course aimed at the beginner. However, we created the course specifically to enable drummers of any level to become a great drummer.

That is because every exercise integrates with the previous exercise, meaning you build from the very first step to the final steps, one step at a time...

This makes the course suitable for the complete beginner or the more advanced player, (advanced playing is simply the degree of mastery over basic techniques - of course having mastery over the basic concepts gives you more facility to perform more advanced rhythms and drumming in general) therefore the course is suitable for all levels of skill. That said, advanced players should view these contents as additional material only, to their current study regime. For those it is like going to the gym and building muscles harder than they currently are.


Plan Name Price
1 Month: $ 27
1 Year: $ 29.95





Acoustic, Electronic or Practice Kit. Limpet or Other Practice Pad is Also Preferred

Quiz Status
This course is FREE for students of the following courses:
Time Space And Drums - Complete 12 Part Course
Are you a student of any of these courses?
Not a student?

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